
Showing posts from 2013


In this video we can learn how to use causative HAVE and GET.


As you have noticed, the Green Level is focused entirely on the passive voice. Normally the passive voice is constructed with the verb "be" or "get" and then the past participle. However, there are other similar verb constructions you should know about. This lesson introduces verbs that are used to create the causative form. have + the past participle I have my oil changed once every three months. or get + the past participle I get my oil changed once every three months. Both sentences have the same meaning. What makes them different from the passive voice is the word order: S + V + DO + V Generally, when you use this word order, it sounds like you

TEGAR, Si Pengamen Cilik Ajaib Dari Subang

Kali  ini saya posting tentang kisah seorang anak kecil nan ajaib yang memiliki suara yang merdu dan easy linstening yang berprofesi sebagai pengamen jalanan (sekarang sudah ngetop), TEGAR. Ia adalah pengamen cilik dari kota Subang dan telah menciptakan beberapa lagu yang sangat menyentuh hati bagi sang pendengar. Barusan saja saya menyimak aksinya tegar di salah satu statsiun TV swasta Indonesia dalam acara Talk Show dan memang dia sangat luar biasa. Kisah Tegar si pengamen jalanan Subang   saat ini sedang ramai di bicarakan oleh masyarakat luas di tanah air indonesia,dia adalah  seorang bocak cilik yang berasal dari keluarga yang sangat serba kekurangan dalam masalah ekonomi namun tidak dengan hal masalah suara karena dia memiliki suara yang sangat merdu dan enak untuk di dengar kan oleh telinga kita semua. Tegar adalah salah satu anak tertua dari tiga adiknya dan mempunyai seorang ibu yang berpropesi sebagai pengamen di kereta api kawasan statsiun pagadean dan dia mempu

Common British Slang Words and Terminology

Ace  - If something is ace it is  awesome . I used to hear it a lot in Liverpool. Kids thought all cool stuff was ace, or  brill . Aggro  - Short for aggravation, it's the sort of thing you might expect at a football match. In other words -  trouble ! There is sometimes aggro in the cities after the pubs shut! All right?  - This is used a lot around London and the south to mean,  "Hello, how are you" ? You would say it to a complete stranger or someone you knew. The normal response would be for them to say "All right"? back to you. It is said as a question. Sometimes it might get expanded to "all right mate"? Mostly used by blue collar workers but also common among younger people. Anti-clockwise  - The first time I said that something had gone anti-clockwise to someone in Texas I got this very funny look. It simply means  counter-clockwise  but must sound really strange to you chaps! I think he thought I had something against clocks! Any road