Dibawah ini adalah kumpulan beberapa English Idom, silahkan baca semoga bermanfaat.

No rose without thorn - Tiada gading yang tak retak #Proverb

To have an axe to grind - Ada udang di balik batu #Proverb

When at Rome, do as Rome does - Di mana tanah dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung #Proverb

To cherish a viper in one's bosom - Air susu dibalas air tuba #Proverb

Jack around - membuang waktu #Slang

Repentance always comes too late - Sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tiada berguna #Proverb

Seize the moment _ bertindak cpt e.g. You're a gifted writer, it's time you seized the moment and started to write your book. #Idiom

He always plays favourite - dia slalu pilih kasih. #Expression

Full of shit (US) - pembohong. #Slang

A flock of shit on your face (US) - Brengsek/bangsat/kurang ajar lo. #Slang

Guinea pig (US) - kelinci percobaan. #Slang

Honeyman (US) - germo. #Slang

I don't give a stuff (Aus) - sy tdk peduli. #Slang

Lily (US) - bencong. #Slang

Mother fucker (US) - org yg tdk berguna. #Slang

Monkey business (US) - penipu. #Slang

Nuts (US) - gila;semangat. #Slang

Oojah? (US) - siapa namanya? #Slang

Gimme a five (US) - tos dulu bro. #Slang

The man in the street (US) - orang biasa. #Slang

Thanks a bunch (US) - terima kasih banyak. #Slang

Thanks for nothing! (US) - ungkapan kekesalan. #Slang

You're a candy (Aus) - km manis banget. #Slang

Back number (US) - tidak beredar lagi/sdh usang. #Idiom

Big hand (US) - tepuk tangan. #Idiom

I didn't start it off - bkn gw yg memulai. #Expression

I can't say a word - gw ga bisa berkata kata. #Expression

This is too good to be true - sulit dipercaya. #Expression

Go dutch (US) - Bayar sendiri -sendiri #Slang

Mr.know it all / Smart aleck (US) - sok tahu #Slang

AC-DC (US) - Banci. #Slang

Bail out _ menebus/membebaskan dr ksulitan e.g. That company was nearly bankrupt before the bank bailed it out.

Don't take it hard (US) - jangan masukin dihati/jgn dipikirin.

Black out _ memadamkan aliran listrik. e.g. The storm blacked out most of the city.

Like a bull in the china shop = marah membabi buta

Hold on _ berpegang/bertahan. e.g. Hold on to this rope until I tell you to let go.

Dead to the world _ tidur nyenyak e.g. Ten minutes after he goes to bed, he's dead to the world.

Pop up:tiba2 muncul tnpa diinginkan, just small talk:cuman basabasi :)

Promise the moon _ menjanjikan sesuatu yg tdk mgkin e.g. He promised you the moon and you beilived him.


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